advanced fee fraud

Advanced Fee Fraud


What is Advanced Fee Fraud?

Advanced fee fraud is a type of fraud that typically involves promising the victim a significant share in a large sum of money in return for a small upfront payment.

There are a number of ways this type of fraud can be carried, common types of advanced fee fraud are:

  • Lottery, prize draw or sweepstake scams: this is where the victim of fraud is contacted about a large prize that they have won and are asked to pay an administration fee to cover the cost of the claiming process.
  • Inheritance fraud: where the victim has been contacted about obtaining a big inheritance pay out from a distant relative and is asked to cover some legal costs beforehand.
  • Career opportunity fraud: this is where bogus companies pose as publishers, invention promotion and patent companies or model and casting agencies, all promising to launch a person’s career.
  • Loan fraud: this is where the victim has replied to an advert for a fast loan. They will have their application approved regardless of their credit history and asked to pay an upfront fee to cover insurance for the loan.
  • Business opportunity fraud: where the victim is asked to pay an advanced fee before starting a purportedly profitable business opportunity
  • Dating or romance fraud: this is where the victim is contacted by someone purporting to want to be in a relationship with them and then asking for money.
  • Vehicle matching scams: when a fraudster cold calls someone who has just placed an advert to sell their car and asks for an upfront fee which they say is refundable if the car isn’t sold.

Advanced Fee Fraud Lawyers

Our Advanced Fee Fraud Solicitors handle your case with precision and expertise.

We handle cases that involve intricate financial schemes, where individuals or entities are deceived into paying upfront fees with the promise of a greater return that never materialises.

With a keen understanding of financial regulations and a commitment to upholding legal integrity, our Advanced Fee Fraud Solicitors employ their knowledge to safeguard clients from falling victim to fraudulent practices.

In an ever-evolving landscape of financial crime, the expertise of our Advanced Fee Fraud Solicitors is essential to handle complex cases.

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